The Adventures of Totoko, Investigative Reporter
Chapter 1: The Adventures of Totoko, Investigative Reporter Vol.1 Chapter 1: Totoko Pursues the Midnight Mask, and The Scoop Search
Chapter 2: The Adventures of Totoko, Investigative Reporter Vol.1 Chapter 2: A Surprising Lead, and The Black Valentine Plot
Chapter 3: The Adventures of Totoko, Investigative Reporter Vol.1 Chapter 3: The Stolen Gems, and The Melancholy of Midnight Mask
Chapter 4: The Adventures of Totoko, Investigative Reporter Vol.1 Chapter 4: The Disappearance of Doctor Nagisawa, and The Bravest Maid
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The Adventures of Totoko, Investigative Reporter Vol.1 Chapter 1: Totoko Pursues the Midnight Mask, and The Scoop Search
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